शुक्रवार, 6 अप्रैल 2012

..tonight I write

Tonight I address my friends, in your name. You know why in English, you can understand it better. It was your love that I made so many friends after your demise. I know you’ll smile at the word demise, we were very fond of this tune – rise guys for demise and one day you rose to such an extent that you passed on. Years have elapsed now and time is not the same any more, still we are in love. When was the time when we were not in love? There was no time. You know? I’ve many friends now who culminate into one and that one is you. One says that either of us is an extension of other. Really a great person, he truly is.  
There is one with whom I can talk dirty for which you used to say – Goo! You are so smelly! And there is another one who reads our story with convex lenses in eyes. Last time when I was sick of longings and wrote in haste, he said – you have spoiled this story. You’ve made it filmy, you clumsy spoiled genius!
I was forced to withdraw those hasty lines from eyes of the world. So, I have proven that I’m genius just because of our story; I’ve outdone you by way of our story. I am no more a stupid who can’t say his heart. We talk often and I fear that often he misunderstands me. I fear that he is so sensitive that he does not believe in coincidences and takes it rather personally but it is soothing that he joins me again after realization or reasoning or just out of forgiveness. He is innocent just I’m.
There is one who steals my lines with gaiety, churns the words and comes out with sweet stories without acknowledging me! You remember? repeating lines from my letters in front of father and getting sumptuous  bravos, quaking tongue at me hidden from all eyes but mine! He does it boldly and I smile same way I used to smile in those good olden rather golden days. What is marvelous, he does not know that I befriend him!
There are two who are not friends but like elder bros. I know that only they can believe in God as you do believe. They’ll always come, read and will always appreciate. Your God has mercy on me that till date I remain free from diabetes though I consume tons of sweetness without saying thank you!
There are friends, and they are in majority, who are sure more than infinity that I cook stories which very few can digest. I envy clarity of their vision for it obscures line between fact and fiction. They don’t know that you’re a reality and we were together for six precious years in the epoch of stupidity called twenties.
There is one who is real genius and real stupid. Sometimes he’ll not read for months and suddenly will find many kilo-hours of time to read all stale stupidities, and appreciate. Do you remember the taste of spicy mutton kept overnight in open to become cold enough to trigger some sleepy obscure taste buds? He reminds me your sense of taste and he is a frank critic same way as you used to be.
There is one whom I don’t know. He’ll comment anonymously with oft repeated requests to delete without publishing. I suspect he is in his twenties and is madly in love with some beauty.
I’m happy that after so many years since your demise, I decided to write. I’m free from the frozen grief and melancholy now but have become sick – to an extent that I fear my demise. Demise from whose world? and  to where? It is from self to self. I know where you are. I know everything but it is wise now that we do not meet. Millions have asked till date and will ask in future – What is love? A stupid genius like me can answer that – It is infinite wisdom.
With that wisdom my sweetheart! I wish you and all my friends love and great demise, for meaning of a lamp does not lie in its glow but lies in consuming the juice of life in pursuit of light.
Have good days and good nights. Wait for our story to be complete, wait for other stories to be complete, wait for poetry recital and above all wait for my freedom from malady. It really irritates for it does not stop me from going but stammers my words to such an extent that their gaits become  meaningless…